Class photograph St Matthew’s not sure of year approximately 1924.
My mother Ena Isherwood born 27/8/1914. She is 2nd row 5th from the left in white pinafore, dark collar. She left school at 14 or 15.
I think the family lived in Acregate Lane South.
I thought this might be of interest for your 150 year celebration.
Best wishes
Lynne Cowperthwaite




I am attaching the photo I have from 1962. My name was then Christine Hacker and I am on the 2nd from front row, 5th from left.
The lady on the right was the headmistress Miss Proctor and the teacher on the left I think was Miss Develyn or Mrs Treasure, or she could have been Miss Develyn and then Mrs Treasure after marrying ???
I'm also attaching a picture of an item that sticks in my my mind from my very first day at school in 1955. This was a kind of see saw seat and I remember being sat in one with another little girl called Brenda Halsall. 
Another teacher I remember was Mrs Bargh who I think taught English and of course Mr Sharples who was the first male teacher I had and who later became Headmaster. He was a thoroughly lovely man. 
Another strong memory is learning every Easter about Oberammergau and the passion play. 
I loved music but as I recall the lady who taught us was a bit of an ogre, she would slam her hands down onto the piano when we put an extra syllable in the word invisible when she was trying to teach us the hymn Immortal Invisible God Only Wise. 
So many memories and most of them happy. 

Kind regards

Christine Smith 


I live in the area and went to that school, my two boys go to that school too.

I see the school daily whether I'm picking or dropping of the kids or walking to the local mosque or just walking in the area. It's an iconic place for me where I spent my young days there even when school was closed on the weekends we used to climb over to play football. 

Hussain Master 



We received the following by email from Gill Draper (nee Townsend) about her connection with St Matthew’s.


My mum Margaret Townsend worked at St Matthews around 1970. She worked with a lady called Mrs Carr ( I'm sure she taught French but I maybe wrong) and a lady called Susan Law. 

My mum would take my sister and I into school with her occasionally. I would have been about 3 at the time.

At the age of 17 1984 I went to Tuson college and did the Preliminary Certificate in Social Care and one of my placements was at St Matthew's. I went every Wednesday. Susan Law still taught there and most of my placement was with her with the top class juniors. I did however spend time in the reception.  My lasting memory was there were 10 children and not one of them spoke the same language as each other. I said to the teacher "So how do you teach them?" and she said "I teach them all in English. It may be their 2nd language but it will help them in the future."

I don't think I have any photos. I can contact Mrs Carr's son and see if he has any. My mum unfortunately passed away in 2014. She would have loved a reunion. 

Kind Regards

Gill Draper nee Townsend



My husband and I both attended St Matthew's in the 50s. We remember with fondness Mr Sharples. Two sisters taught there but their names elude me. We have been married now for 55 years. It wasn't unusual then to get a slap on the back of the leg.

It was very strict and we didn't dare be naughty. I have attached a picture of Ian (fourth from the left on the top row) and one of me from school but I don't know what I was doing. If you are opening this up to friends we would love to look round. Hope this helps. I went to Brownies there and we both went to the Youth Club. We played hoola hoops, jacks and standing on my head against a wall. The song we sang:

St Matts

Penny rats

Two for twopence halfpenny

Are they good or are they bad

They ain't worth the halfpenny

Still makes me laugh

Linda Harrison





I was Home School Liaison there from circa 1983 till the Head, Jonathan Hewitt, let me go on a year's secondment to the Westfield Centre (to train Heads & secretaries in all things computer!!)

One of my dearest friends, Karen Gornall, was a Nursery Nurse (think she's probably only recently retired - or not, knowing her!!) 

I remember so much about my time there & have some pictures around somewhere.

Staff included, Ken Hall (ex-head) Jean Damp, Eileen Brooks, Dorothy Clarkson,  Elaine Woodward, Jean Parry (we were at Penwortham GGS together!) Anne Squire, Bernadette Fitchie, Kath Duthie, Doreen Salisbury, Cath Kirkland, Sue Kelly, Sue Hargreaves, Elaine Patrick, Barbara ?,  Gaynor ,  Freda Nixon (ex-head), Chris Sharples (ex-head), Irene White (lollipop lady) , Mrs Hussain, and the secretary was a girl called Liz something.
Caretaker Bill?
Mavis Stevens, (nursery teacher?)

So many memories!  I used to do choir/music, Xmassy productions, so I got to know a lot of the kids as well; some I will never forget.

Let me know if I can try to help with anything. I still miss them! I now live in France (past 24 years) so have lost touch with most of them.

I started there as Mrs Robinson, but re-married while there & became Mrs Marshall.

Thank you for the memories! 

Sandie M :)


Updated: 18/03/2021 938 KB






This picture was taken roughly 1998-1999 for a Christmas performance. A parent of one of our pupils kindly shared it with us.