You can use the link above to share your views of St Matthew's School with OFSTED.
At St Matthew's, we appreciate and value the help and support our families give to the school. We regularly ask our parents and carers for their views on our school, and they are often involved in the decisions we make to help improve the school even further.
We have recently asked our parents views on our PSHE and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policies. Our parents and carers also gave us excellent feedback in our behaviour questionnaire and helped is to shape the revised policy in school. They also helped us to decide HOW best to provide our Remote Learning Provision and then also gave us some very positive and appreciative feedback about the remote learning offer using Class Dojo for our children at St Matthew's.
At our recent survey in November 2023 we had a tremdous response and a very positive response. You can read the results here:
Issues for consideration include: more homework, more sports after school, more information on the new curriculum, outbreaks of headlice, ensuring discipline is of the highest standards both in class and on the playground.
These areas will be discussed and acted on by school leaders and Governors, as we seek for continuous improvements.