Governance Structure     

St Matthew’s Church of England Primary School is a Church of England Academy, founded in 1874. It was built to serve the local community and is closely linked to St Matthew’s Parish church which is in the Anglican Diocese of Blackburn. We welcome children from many faiths and none as well as many nationalities. A high percentage of the children join with little or no spoken English. We aim to provide a safe and secure environment for the education of every child. 

We have a Local Governing Committee consisting of 12 members of varying backgrounds including Foundation (from St Matthew's Church), Parent and Staff.  

We currently have a number of vacancies (Novermber 2024) and if you are interested in finding out more, please contact Mr Mackley, the Headteacher, via the school office.  Alternatively, please visit Academy Local Governing Committees. for more information

Gender Pay Gap Reporting

Whilst St Matthew's as an academy does not have more than 250 employees, the Cidari Multi Academy Trust which we belong to does and they provide full information on their website which can be viewed here Cidari Gender Pay Gap Reporting