Welcome to Year 4

In Year Four the class teachers are Mr Chagas and Mrs Copeland. 

Children in Year Four will undertake a range of interesting and engaging activities that will enhance their learning and help them remember their Year 4 experience. We work very hard on learning all our multiplication tables in Year Four, in preparation for the Multiplication Check in June. Please encourage your children to practise these at home. They can use Times Table Rock Stars, timestables.co.uk, as well as Hit the Button, these are all online and a great way to practice regularly. 

We also encourage children to read for pleasure and would ask that you promote this at home. This does not have to be their school reading book, it could be a magazine, a library book, or a comic. 

In Year 4 the children will go swimming in 'blocks' over the year. Parents will be given plenty of notice prior to the start.

If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us on Class Dojo or make an appointment through the school office.

Year 4 Class Prayers

Updated: 17/09/2024 14 KB
Updated: 19/09/2024 356 KB