Design Technology prepares the children at St. Matthew’s to deal with tomorrow’s ever-changing world. It encourages children to become independent, creative problem-solvers and thinkers as individuals and as part of a team - making positive changes to their quality of life. We follow the ‘Design, Make, Evaluate’ approach to the teaching of DT, as outlined in the National Curriculum Programmes of Study document. We engage our children through activities which involve investigating and evaluating existing products, focussed tasks, in which children develop particular aspects of knowledge and skills and then designing and making in which the children design and make ‘something’ for ‘somebody’ for ‘some purpose’. Through the study of Design and Technology, the children will combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues, as well as functions and industrial practices. This allows them to reflect on and evaluate present and past design and technology, its uses and its impacts. Design and Technology helps all our children to become intelligent and informed future consumers and potential innovators.


Year 6 - Cookery Course

A group of our Year 6 children were recently fortunate enough to take part in a cookery course run by Kinder Communities. They learnt about how to safely use kitchen equipment and prepare a range of dishes. A lot of lifelong skills learnt!

Year 5 - Healthy Eating

Year 5 have just completed a unit looking at how to prepare, cook and evaluate a healthy dish which can be made at home and on a budget. The recipe was a vegetarian bolognese and received great reviews from all the children and staff who were lucky enough to try it!

DT Progression Map

Updated: 13/03/2024 141 KB

D.T Intent, Implementation and Impact

Updated: 22/03/2024 303 KB