Maths at St Matthew's
Maths Intent, Implementation and Impact
Learning by Heart Autumn
Learning by Heart - Spring
Learning by Heart - Summer
Maths Curriculum Overviews
Maths Progression Maps
MASTERING NUMBER AT RECEPTION AND KS1 - Supporting pupils to develop good number sense.
We have been participating in the KS1 Mastering Numbers programme for 4 years now which aims at developing children’s fluency and flexibility with number.
We believe it helps secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that our children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention is given to key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1 to support success in the future.
Our aim is for our children to:
- develop and demonstrate good number sense,
- develop a secure understanding of how to build firm mathematical foundations.
The programme develops intentional teaching strategies focused on developing fluency in calculation and number sense for all children and develops understanding and use of appropriate manipulatives to support our teaching of mathematical structures.
The programme is delivered 3/4 times a week to Reception and KS1 children.
MASTERING NUMBER AT KS2 - Secure firm foundations in multiplicative relationships.
This year, we have been fortunate to participate in the pilot project, Mastering Numbers KS2.
The programme acknowledges that the knowledge of multiplication and division and its applications, forms the single most important aspect of the KS2 curriculum, and is the gateway to success at secondary school. The project enables pupils in Years 4 and 5 to develop fluency in multiplication and division facts, and a confidence and flexibility with number that exemplifies good number sense.
Our aim for the children is to:
- develop automaticity in multiplication and division facts through regular practice.
- develop an understanding of how children progress in their knowledge and understanding of multiplicative concepts.
Throughout the year, the staff in years 3, 4 and 5 have worked as part of a professional learning community to refine our practice.
As this is the initial year of research, we have delivered the Y4 programme to Years 4 and 5 and the Y5 programme to Y6.
The programme is delivered to Y3, 4 and 5 classes 4/5 times a week for 15 minutes at a time.
Maths intervention – EEF research project
1stclass@Number – Year 2
This year we have participated in a trial to test the impact of 1stClass@Number 1 programme, a 10-week targeted intervention to support children struggling with numeracy in Year 2 (commissioned by EEF).
We have recently completed the first intervention group of 1stClass@Number 1 which was a small-group intervention delivered by Miss Allad (Y2 LSA). The programme supported children struggling with numeracy in Year 2. It consisted of around 30 half-hour lessons, delivered three times a week for 10 weeks in addition to normal mathematics instruction. Children involved in the intervention spent approximately 15 more hours on numeracy. The focus was on key aspects of number which can cause particular difficulties for children at this age.
Miss Allad worked from detailed lesson plans, which she adapted based on what she learnt from formative assessments. She helped children to think and talk about their mathematics and develop metacognitive skills. Full training was given throughout the programme which developed her own understanding of mathematics.
There has been one previous EEF trial of 1stClass@Number 1. The result of that trial suggested that the children taking part in the intervention made two months’ additional progress in maths, on average, compared to other children. The Spring term trial investigated more thoroughly the impact on children eligible for Free School Meals.
Due to the success of the trial programme, we have chosen to continue with 1stClass@Number 1 programme with some of our EAL tier 2 children in Y2 to further develop their language and mathematical skills.
Nottingham's Number Fluency Program
Useful websites - National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics - Times Table Rockstars