PSHE at St Matthew's

 (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education)

February/March 2024 - opportunity to contribute to the review of our PSHE and RSE curricula.


Personal, social and health education (PSHE) helps to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. It aims to help them to understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Our aim is to help pupils to manage many of the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up by providing them with information and coping strategies.

Learning opportunities take place in specific lessons as well as in assemblies, small groups, circle time, special school projects and other activities that enrich pupils' experiences.

Following three successful years of following our new PSHE and RSE curricula which were introduced following consultation with Governors, Staff and Parents it is now time to review them both to see what works well and what may require some revision.  

Mrs Higgins, our Subject Leader for these areas has put together several documents below for you to read.

We suggest you view the PowerPoint before you read the documents.

Once you have read them, please visit this Google Form and answer the questions provided so that we can collate all the information together.

Please note, there are aspects of PSHE and RSE which we are required by law to teach and these cannot be removed or altered.

PSHE Intent, Implementation and Impact

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PSHE & RSE Review 2024

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Growing School Vegetables

After a lot of hard work we have finally managed to plant, nurture and grow some radishes on school grounds! It is part of our work to promote healthy eating and understand the life cycle of plants. 




As a school, we decided together that PSHE would not be taught solely as a standalone subject but that it would be at the heart of our whole school curriculum at St Matthew’s. PSHE itself, builds upon many skills, attributes, and values that a child will need throughout their lives to develop into young citizens of today’s on-going changing society. 

The PSHE curriculum has been created with our Mission statement in mind,  and developed with the children of St Matthew's at the centre. With consultation with pupils, staff, parents, governors and local data we have devised a whole school curriculum which meets the needs of the individuals at St Matthew's. The curriculum has been created in a spiralled approach that within every other year, children are developing and building upon their knowledge, skills and attributes of content in PSHE as they go through their journey at St Matthew's and beyond.  With statutory and also non- statutory learning devised from our research/consultation, we have formed different themes each half term which also link to our Christian values as well as SMSC and British Values.  These units aim to develop the children again throughout their journey at St Matthew's as they develop into the young citizens of today's society.  

Vision Statement:


Inspired by Jesus’ words (Matthew 5: 1-12), we strive to promote academic, emotional and spiritual growth in a Christian environment for all members of our school family.

We can all ‘Be blessed by God, be happy and aspire to be…’


The PSHE Curriculum

Although we are having PSHE entwined into our curriculum. The PSHE content is where we are still currently reviewing and consulting with staff, parents and governors. Once we have completed this, the correct documents will be made available.

There are 3 core themes to PSHE education, and we have used them to form our curriculum content throughout the year.



Health and Wellbeing

Living in the Wider World

Families and close positive relationships




Managing hurtful behaviour and bullying


Safe relationships


Respecting self and others

Healthy Lifestyle (physical and mental well-being)


Ourselves growing and changing


Keeping safe; Drugs



Alcohol and tobacco



Shared responsibilities




Media literacy and digital resilience


Economic well-being - money


Economic well-being - aspirations, work and career















We have then developed the themes into our own approach for a school year at St Matthew’s. As of the Summer Term 2021, some of the new content in the core themes will become statutory.

To give you an idea of our whole school approach this is our plan for yearly overview.


Autumn 1


Autumn 2


Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Altogether now

(Team Building)


Belonging to a community

Being in harmony

(British Values/Traditions/Anti-bullying)


Respecting ourselves and others.


Families and Friendships

Aspire to be…



Money and work

Healthy Me

(Mental health/Food)


Physical health and Mental wellbeing


Safe relationships

The wider world around me

(Being safe)


Keeping safe


Media literacy and digital resilience



I am unique and special…




Growing and changing

How can we look after each other and our local community?


Getting to know our new classes and teachers. Working together, in our classes, school and community. What can we do to make a difference?


Outcome- Litter picking, plant growing, helping local businesses, etc.


How can we live in harmony?


Working with our families in school. Finding out about different cultures. Respecting others and knowing that all children are children of God regardless.


Outcome- A planned Harmony week- inviting families to help and be part of our whole school community with food, dancing, showing other traditions.



Who do we aspire to be?

How do we get to where we want to be? What will help me at school? Inspire children with a variety of careers, professions, further education, volunteering and clubs. As well as the understanding of money and money support.



Outcome- Big Me- Charity (Save the children) dress up as who you aspire to be…

Look at how local banks/post office can support economic understanding.



How can I keep myself healthy?

Children to enjoy yoga, mindfulness. Look at different ways of keeping healthy with hygiene, fitness and food.

What could we give up or act of kindness take on during lent?


Outcome- Healthy café club- invite parents. Each class to promote a healthy lifestyle.



What/ who helps us to stay


NSPCC, Dog safety, road safety, fire safety. Outside agencies to come in and talk about being safe.

 British Values- current affairs (Which may link to safety) Voting How does this affect us?


Outcome- Create posters on being safe in school and in our local area. Each year group to do different area of safety (Road safety, online safety, etc)



How do we change as we grow?

Towards the end of the unit. Year 6 children will be transitioning to secondary school and other children will be transitioning into their new year groups. Supporting and helping children who are going to secondary though reminders of keeping safe and showing all PSHE skills learnt whilst being at St Matthew’s. Invite past pupils to talk about high schools.

St Matthew’s got talent= unique, special talents.


Outcome- Children to write to children in the year group below to tell them the exciting things that they have done during the year.


 St Matthew’s got talent- Unique and special talents.

Subject links-

PE, Geography

Subject links-

PE (dance), Music, Art, History

Subject links-

Maths, Computing, English


Subject links-

PE, Science

Subject links-

Computing, English

Subject links-

Music, PE-dance, gymnastics, English