This morning we are thinking about why we belong together and how hard it has been when we haven't been able to meet up with our friends and family as we wanted to. We hear Jesus' words from the Bible when he gave the greatest commandments, one of which is 'Love your neighbour as yourself'. Please take time to respond to the questions:
Is it easy to love your neighbour as yourself?
How can we show that we do this?
How can we help people who might be feeling lonely or alone?
18 March 2021
4C have decided to write a letter to lonely people in a care home. Watch this space for more information.
Mr Mackley
18 March 2021
Thank you Year 4, I look forward to seeing those letters!
Mrs Walton
18 March 2021
What a fabulous practical response 4C. Values in action. ????????????
James Atkinson
22 March 2021
Great worship time about being together - AGAIN!
I love the song WE can make a difference.
Well done everyone.