6 Mar

World Book Day 2025

The theme for World Bok Day 2025 is 'Read your way' and we want you to find a way of reading which you enjoy.

We hope you enjoy this assembly today and you enjoy WBD 2025!

3 Mar

Fasting - Giving up to gain. (Lent & Ramadan 2025)

In our worship this week, I want us to think about fasting. It is something understood well by many but not so well understood by others.  As some of our school family are already undertaking fasting during the holy montyh of of Ramadan and Christians are about to commence 40 days of preparation…

10 Feb

What is Love? Valentine's Day 2025

In this, the last worship of the half term, we are thinking about what love is and what we can learn from St Valentine in terms of love.

It's so important that we love each other and show that love in real, practical ways each day.

3 Feb

Candlemas 2025 - The Presentation of Christ in the Temple

In our worship this week, we are learning about the feast of Candlemas which takes placve on 2nd February every year no the western church. We will learn about light, Jesus being proclaimed as the saviour and lilght of the world and of the faithfulness of two of God's followers and how God…

27 Jan

The Lost Son

In this week's worship, we hear what is one of the most famous parables, that of The Lost Son.  IT is a story of love and forgiveness and Jesus told it so that people would know of God's great love for all and that no matter what we do, He always loves us and is waiting to forgive us and help us…

20 Jan

The Hidden Treasure & The Precious Pearl - Parables

Welcome to another worship continuing our journey through the Parable of Jesus.

Remember, Jesus used Parables to explain to people things which they thought were complicated and to make clear for them what God's Kingdom is like and how much He loves everyone.

Two Parables this week, both are…

16 Dec

Advent 4

Welcome to our final worship in the series "Follow the Star - Calm & Bright".

We have journeyed with Gabriel, Joseph & the Shepherds to consider how they felt/reacted to the message of Jesus' birth and how they remained calm and bright.

Today, we conclude by thinking of Mary, the mother of…

12 Dec

The Little Lambs

This week for our Thursday worship, I am sharing with you a story from Arabia about the little lambs from the hillside over 2000 years ago and how they went in search of a King who had been born in a stable . . . 

9 Dec

Advent 3

This week, in week 3 of advent, we continue to remain calm and bright as we follow the star, considering the story of the shepherds.

Ordinary men, not people others wanted to associate with and yet, God chose them to be the first ones to hear the good news!

(Apologies for the lack of sound…

4 Dec

A Flower for Christmas

As we are unable to meet for Prayer & Praise on a Thursday, I thought I would take the opportunity to share some of the traditional tales from around the world about Christmas.

For many years I have seen and bought Poinsettia plants but I had no idea why they were associated with Christmas!  In…

2 Dec

Advent 2

Advent has begun in churches all over the world and this week we are carrying on with our Follow the Star series, thinking about Calm & Bright as we consider the story of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus.

As always, please do leave a comment for everyone to share - it was lovely to see so…

24 Nov

Advent 1

Welcome to this week's worship and (albeit a little bit early) we are beginning our journey through Advent, just like Christians all over the world will be doing in getting ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

In this worship we are introduced to the them of 'Calm & Bright' which comes from…