The Three Servants - a Parable
This week's worship is another of the parables of Jesus. As our school value this half term is respect, I have chosen this parable as it reflects that.
Here we learn the story of the three servants who were each given money to investand had to show the return on their investment. We are…

The Wise and Foolish Builders
My worship this week is another of Jesus' parables.
As our focus this half term is respect, I have selected a parable which has that has a theme.
The Wise and Foolish Builders is a very famous parable, one I remember learning at Sunday School many, many, many yeras ago.
There are…

The Parable of the Mustard Seed
In this, the final Monday worship for this half term, I am returning to the book of Jesus' parables to consider another one which is linked to our school value of 'Community'.
We believe that everyone in our St Matthew's family is important and everyone belongs. The question is, "Does that…
Not perfect, yet . . . perfect
This week's worship focuses on our ideas of perfection and compares it to God's idea of perfection.
Too often we struggle and stress about trying to be perfect and we get distracted by perceptions of perfection which are ridiculous and simply unattainable.
I hope that this worship helps to…

Michaelmas - a festival of courage
This week's worship looks at the old feast of St Michael, known as Michaelmas.
We learn who St Michael is and what he did to defeat evil as an encouragement to us that whatever challenges we face, with God's help, we can overcome them.
St Matthew's Day 2024
This week's worship is a special one to reflect on St Matthew as it was his feast day on the 21st September.
Who was our patron saint? Why did he follow Jesus? What can we learn from him?
Watch the worship and find out more....
(Please leave a comment to let everyone know what you learnt…
What was it like when school opened, 150 years ago?
This year our school is 150 years old!
Each year group will be looking at a different period of time in the life of our school and finding out about what was happening in the UK and the World at those times.
We are creating a display up the stairs to show what we have learnt and we are…

Parables - The Kind Stranger
This week's worship is the start of the sharing of the Parables of Jesus. Each half term this year I will be sharing some of His Parables and looking to see what we can learn from them today to help us in our daily lives.
There is some 'audience participation' in this one and I hope you enjoy…
Happy New (School) Year!
Welcome back to School everybody!
It is great to have everyone back together again as the St Matthew's School Family.
My first worship of this new school year is an encouragement to do your very best in everything you do and to remind everyone what our focus for good behaviour is this…

Moving on...
In my final Monday worship of this school year, I want us to think about 'Moving on...' and about being famous. Is it something you want to be? What can we learn from others who have moved on?
Whatever you do and wherever you go next, you will always be a part of the St Matthew's family and…

Compassion for the poor
In this, our final worship in the series considering our value of compassion, we think about favourite items of clothing and the kindness and compassion of a lady called Dorcas and the miracle which God did through Peter the Disciple to enable her to carry on her work of compassion using…

Compassion for the elderly
In this week's worship we are thinking about the elderly members of our families and communities. Often they ahve spent much of their lives caring for their children and grandchildren or other members of their community. We will learn that it is so important that we do what we can to thank them…