Isn't life strange?
Hasn't 2020 been just a little bit strange? 9 months ago, if you walked in to a shop with a mask on, they would have called security. Now if you walk in without a mask, they might well call security!
We have all been adapting to these strange times and getting used to a new way of doing…

HT Blog - 19th June 2020
Hello again everybody, it's been a while since my last blog post and my apologies for this - we have been incredibly busy behind the scenes making sense of the guidelines for a wider opening of schools and how to apply them to our very challenging building and outdoor space.
I know that many of…

Video message from Mr Mackley
A video message from Mr Mackley on plans for a wider opening of school.

Important update from Mr Mackley
Hello again everyone, in response to questions that have come from some people, I am giving a further update on our plans for a wider opening of school.
In my last blog post I indicated that we were working towards a possible date of 8th June; we are now looking at the possibility of week…
Important update from Mr Mackley
Hello everybody, I hope that you are all well and still managing to stay safe.
Things have changed since I last got in touch; there has been a relaxation of some of the restrictions and the curve finally does seem to be going in the right direction which is really good news.

Update from the Headteacher
Hello everyone, I really hope that you are all well and managing in these interesting times! There does appear to be progress on the horizon, we don't know in what form it will take but it does look there will be moves to start relaxing restrictions very soon which is encouraging!
8th May is…

29th April 2020
Hello again everyone, well the weather has certainly changed! Everyone has gone from summer clothes back to wearing jumpers and coats again for those limited trips out. As I sit and look out of my kitchen window the sky is blue again after being full of rain clouds this morning, it makes me…
Update from the Headteacher
Hello again everyone, I hope you are all managing to keep well and stay safe.
As the lockdown continues I am aware that it may be getting more challenging each day to balance keeping the children entertained and getting exercise without it putting too much stress on yourselves. The staff are…
HT Blog - 9th April 2020
Hello again everybody, I cannot believe it has been around two weeks since my last post and so much has happened in that time!
Thank you to everybody who is following the advice and staying home wherever possible; we are open each for the small number of children who are categorised by the…
HT Blog - March 24th 2020
Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and managing to adjust to the very significant changes which have been made to how we are having to live our lives at the moment; it is a huge challenge for everyone in our community.
As a school we want to try and do what we can to help, we are open…
HT Blog, March 20th 2020
I am sitting here in a very quiet school building, only the sound of traffic outside keeping me company. Even that is not as noisy as it normally is just before 5 pm on a Friday afternoon.
This has been perhaps the most interesting and indeed challenging weeks I think I and my colleagues here…
February 2020
At our launch of the School Vision with parents we had a great discussion about what the vision means to the children (we shared a video some of them had made to let us know their thoughts) and in groups we talked about the three parts to our strapline, "Be blessed by God, be happy and aspire to…