My worship this week challenges us to not jump to conclusions. It is very easy to make a snap decision on something without stopping to think of the consequences.
Hopefully after this, we can all learn to reflect on the decisions we make to ensure that we exercise justice in our decisions.
15 March 2021
Most of us thought the young man was in the wrong at first, but after a little discussion we had a few thoughts. One of them was that the young man had put the biscuits on the bench so it looked like he wanted to share them and someone did predict that they were the boys biscuits.
15 March 2021
Don't jump to conclusions - think for a minute, before you speak.
Shouldn't make judgements about young people because most of them are lovely.
Older people should have more patience.
15 March 2021
We have learnt a lot from this worship such as:
- We all need some thinking time
- Sharing is caring
- Never judge a book by its cover
- Think before you act
- Assumptions can make us look foolish/don't jump to conclusions
Also we really enjoyed the "snack attack" video. Very thought provoking!
From all in 6W :)
Mr Mackley
15 March 2021
Thank you for your comments everyone, some really interesting thoughts there! When I first saw the video I was really confused as to why the young man kept pinching the old lady's biscuits - it taught me a lesson in not jumping to conclusions too!