Reverend Dan leads us in worship on this important day of Remembrance.
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11 November 2021
First of all - we (mainly Mr Ward) really liked the song :)
We are taking time today to both remember those who stayed at home as well as those who fought and never came back. We remember how they fought for us in all the wars of the past and the relief felt as peace was finally declared.
From all in 6W
Mr Mackley
11 November 2021
Thank you 6W. Remembrance Day is such an important time to make sure we never forget that many people made huge sacrifices so that we can live as free people. We must always respect their sacrifice by treasuring our freedoms by caring for each other.
Dan Freeman
13 November 2021
Glad you liked the song, I'll try to play it again!
Yes freedom is such a precious thing! Taking time to remember those who gave up so much for us, is really healthy for the soul. I'm glad you were able to feel some of the relief when peace was finally declared :)