This week's worship is to introduce the Behaviour Focus for this half term which also links into our school value of Compassion.
Our focus is on being kind and caring to others.
My worship shares what each age group are looking at and also shares some thoughts on the importance and the benefits of being kind to each other.
As always, please do leave a comment!
3 June 2024
In our last half term at primary school, we are going to try our very best to be excellent kindness role models!
3 June 2024
We really enjoyed the animation of the story. One of us even got the giggles when looking at the lion's face filled with happiness! What a great example this story set :)
Mr Mackley
3 June 2024
Thank you Y6 for your comments. I am looking forward to seeing how well you perform as role models for the rest of the school in this very important half term. 6W, there were several animations available and this one was about the best available!
3 June 2024
If you are kind to others then they will be kind to you.
3 June 2024
The video was warm hearted.The story surprised us because we thought the lion was going to eat the mouse but it didn't and the mouse repaid the lion by saving it.
We enjoyed the moral about being kind and nice to others.
4 June 2024
We can help others when they fall down and tell the teacher.
We can help them walk if they hurt their leg.
Help to tidy up.
Help do jobs in the classroom.
If someone is sad you can smile at them.