In this, the final Monday worship for this half term, I am returning to the book of Jesus' parables to consider another one which is linked to our school value of 'Community'.
We believe that everyone in our St Matthew's family is important and everyone belongs. The question is, "Does that reflect God's kingdom?".
Well, in this parable, we find out. . .
14 October 2024
Imagine what we can do, if faith as small as a mustard seed can grow that big! We can make a difference.
We spoke about how Rosa Parks had a small amount of courage and that changed the world.
14 October 2024
Thank you for this week's worship. This parable showed us that we are all welcome in Heaven and that we can inspire others to do good; just like the mustard seed we are full of potential!
Have a lovely week!
14 October 2024
Even though the mustard seed was tiny, its amount of faith can be huge. Our faith can grow and do remarkable things.
14 October 2024
We discussed after how we are like the tree in the end. At our school we are all different and like to celebrate each other.
15 October 2024
We couldn't believe how small the seed was.
15 October 2024
We discussed the story and we liked that it welcomed everybody.