In this week's worship, we hear what is one of the most famous parables, that of The Lost Son. IT is a story of love and forgiveness and Jesus told it so that people would know of God's great love for all and that no matter what we do, He always loves us and is waiting to forgive us and help us to start again.
I hope you enjoy the story - please do leave a comment for everyone to see what you learnt from it.
Thank you!
27 January 2025
We discussed that forgiveness is hard to do but you need to do it as it makes you feel better.
Mr Mackley
27 January 2025
Thank you 4C. You are absolutley correct, it can be very hard to forgive someone but it does, ultimately, make you and everyone to feel better. I was once told that doing the right thing is often very hard to do but it is still the right thing to do!
27 January 2025
Thank you for this story - we have also found it in our copy of BibleForce! It is important to remember that someone turning back to God is always a cause for celebration :)
29 January 2025
We tried hard to read along!