I am sitting here in a very quiet school building, only the sound of traffic outside keeping me company. Even that is not as noisy as it normally is just before 5 pm on a Friday afternoon.

This has been perhaps the most interesting and indeed challenging weeks I think I and my colleagues here and in schools across the country have ever faced.  I am so grateful to the staff here for the way they have kept things as normal as possible this week in the face of information and guidance which has changed almost by the hour at times.

Thank you to you, our families for bearing with us and being patient with us as we have tried to understand what is happening and put plans in place for next week and beyond to ensure that where the care is most needed, we can try and provide it.  We do have plans in place for next week, and are already working on those for the week after and beyond.  

Our country is under going a challenge that none of us has ever faced before and everyone is having to react and adapt.

Keeping in touch is going to be interesting to say the least and we will try to make use of the text service and the school website as best as we can.  From Monday there should be work for children to do on each of the class pages, keep an eye on them.

For those in receipt of Free School Meals, there is a plan in place with Lancashire County Catering and we will be in touch with those families during the day on Monday to make arrangements with you - I am amazed at how quickly they and many other agencies have been able to respond so quickly!

I look forward to life returning back to normal, hopefully very soon, but in the meantime look after yourselves.

M Mackley