Mrs Walton's worship for this week.
This week she is asking to think about Signs of Hope.
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16 September 2020
Rainbows make us think of happiness, the beach, being calm, spinning around with joy and being positve.
4C send out lots of hope to all :-)
16 September 2020
This video gave us a bit less to worry about because we know that God is with us and we have hope in his plan. We also discussed the hope Noah had in God even though some may argue a clean slate could be unfair for some. We have hope that we will feel prepared for our SATs and that life can return more to normal soon.
From everyone in 6W
16 September 2020
During the lockdown, 5B saw lots of rainbows around school and our homes. Aisha saw a rainbow near her house and it made her feel calm and happy during a worrying time. When Ayesha went to the shops, she saw lots of the rainbows on the wall. It made her feel happy. Ciprain and Isaac made an enormous paperchain rainbow while at school. It touched their hearts.
16 September 2020
Thank you for this assembly we really enjoyed clapping along to the song. We hope that class 3C are staying safe and back with us soon.
Mr Mackley
16 September 2020
I always remember my Grandma telling me that every time my Grandad saw a rainbow he would turn to her and say: "There you go Beattie (her name was Beatrice) everything's going to be alright. God's in control."
Every time I see a rainbow I think of my Grandparents and my Grandad's reminder of God's promise.
Mrs Walton
17 September 2020
I'm so glad that you've been able to look ahead with hope. Thank you 3R....I'm so pleased you liked this new song. We'll have this one again!
Mrs Walton
Jane Smith
19 September 2020
What a great theme, signs of hope.
When we know that despite everything that's going on in the world, God is in control, we can see signs of hope in lots of different places. I see signs of hope in peoples' smiles when I pass them on the street and yes, you do know when someone's smiling even when they're wearing a mask. Just look at their eyes.
James Atkinson
20 September 2020
I loved the worship about Rainbows and never loosing hope.
The song My Hope is in the Lord was great - I couldn't help singing with you.
AND the red & blue racing cars! I think Mr Mackley should help us build two.