Hasn't 2020 been just a little bit strange? 9 months ago, if you walked in to a shop with a mask on, they would have called security. Now if you walk in without a mask, they might well call security!
We have all been adapting to these strange times and getting used to a new way of doing familiar things. we have been through full lockdown, partial opening, full opening and now looking at a future where we will be having periods of time where we have to have tighter restrictions on what we do.
At this time on Friday evening when school is empty apart from me, Mrs Walton and the Site Supervisor and it is very quiet I get the chance to stop and reflect on the first couple of weeks. The children and staff have been amazing! Everyone has pulled together and adapted to the changes we have made, learning is going on again and we have been delighted at how the children have settled back and how much they have remembered and can still do!
It is really good to have school full and busy again and to hear the laughter of the children. Thank you for the way you have worked with us in adapting to the changes to the start and end of the day too, that has been a big help in getting the children into and out of school. As long as we all play our part in keeping up with the hygiene, keeping our distance where we can and following the local requirements placed upon us then the disruption to schooling will hopefully remain at a minimum.
Stay safe and remember "Hands - Face - Space".