This week's worship tale is set in the time of Jesus and is about a rather grumpy centurion who was very used to giving orders and bosssing people around. He had to learn a very important lesson in humility...
5 February 2024
Jesus was a great teacher - God is in charge. We have to trust and believe. God beside, God behind and God ahead!!
Mr Mackley
5 February 2024
Thank you 6R, I am so pleased to see you referencing the worship song we have just learned too!
5 February 2024
A great story about how embracing God can help anyone to make a positive change. We also very much enjoyed the effort with the accent!
Mr Mackley
5 February 2024
Thank you 6W, it's all about making those positive changes. Not always easy to do but ultimately the right thing to do.
As for the lovely comment about my accent attempt, "Grazie!"