This year our school is 150 years old!
Each year group will be looking at a different period of time in the life of our school and finding out about what was happening in the UK and the World at those times.
We are creating a display up the stairs to show what we have learnt and we are looking forward to welcoming Bishop Philip on the 26th September to celebrate with us.
My worship this week takes us back to the 1870s to learn about what was happening in the UK & the World in that decade.
Apologies for not adding the names of the children spotted being role models for walking around school in a great way last week; here they are!
Reception - Zayn & Ishkia, Y1 - Shanza & Fabian, Y2 - Anaya & Kamshire, Y3 - Divine & Mohammed Arif, Y4 - Saad & M. Hussain, Y5 - Joshua & Haniah, Y6 - Gabriela & Zain.
Well done all of you!
16 September 2024
Thank you for this worship. It was really educational and thoroughly interesting. 6W feel like celebrities as our classroom was part of the original building and on all the photos! It is bizarre to think the school was already 38 years old when the Titanic sadly sank.
We are looking forward to the rest of the week :)
Mr Mackley
16 September 2024
Glad you enjoyed it 6W. That's a scary statistic about the Titanic. I was particularly amazed by the fact that coming to school wasn't yet compulsory when St Matthew's opened! How times have changed and for the better.
16 September 2024
We really enjoyed looking at the photos of the school in the olden days and the aerial photo of our school.