This week's worship is another of the parables of Jesus. As our school value this half term is respect, I have chosen this parable as it reflects that.
Here we learn the story of the three servants who were each given money to investand had to show the return on their investment. We are encouraged to think instead of money, ot think of the talents we have all been givem, we should develop them, invest in them so that they flourish for the benfit of us and others.
Please do leave a comment to let us all know your thoughts!
18 November 2024
Thank you for this worship; it helped to wake us all up with our responses! We will try our best to use our talents and not hide them away :)
Have a lovely week!
18 November 2024
We thought about what kinds of things would make God happy. Here's our ideas.
* giving to charity
* praying
* being helpful
* showing kindness
* being trustworthy
18 November 2024
We are trying to be more confident.
20 November 2024
(A little late as we did Lisa's worship on Monday by mistake! Sorry!)
On our worship table, we have a quote which says, "No gift is small in God's hands." We have reflected on our personal gifts. We thought about about our characteristics (From our Happy Mind work). These included courage, perseverance, kindness, humour, zest, creativity, prudence, forgiveness, self control and humility. We are going to challenge ourselves to share our unique gifts with each other.
We also made links with our 'Journey through Advent' work - we are preparing for the gift our Jesus in our lives.