Welcome to this week's worship and (albeit a little bit early) we are beginning our journey through Advent, just like Christians all over the world will be doing in getting ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
In this worship we are introduced to the them of 'Calm & Bright' which comes from the very famous Christmas Carol, "Silent Night" and we consider Gabriel and the message of hope he brought to Mary and, of course, to the whole world.
I hope you find it helpful in focusing your thoughts around Christmas, please do remember to leave a comment!
25 November 2024
Thank you for this worship. We have learnt about how Mary might have felt at this time and it was interesting to try to picture events from Angel Gabriel's point of view. Have a lovely calm and bright week!
25 November 2024
We enjoyed that assembly as it links with our 'Journey through Advent' work, which we are completing in RE. Help us to show hope and to be hopeful. We will be sending you some of our prayers for hope - We look forward to writing them for worship.
Mary's calmness is a reminder to us that we too can be calm and listen to God, he has a plan.
Help us to find hope in difficulties and always have positive expectations.
Mr Mackley
25 November 2024
Thank you Y6, I am glad you found it useful and I hope your week is calm and bright too! I look forward to receiving some prayers for use in worship next week.
25 November 2024
We have never seen an angel before either. We are starting to learn songs for our Carol Service.
25 November 2024
We thought about how Mary would feel when she saw the angel. She could have been shocked, confused, surprised, terrified, traumatised, discombobulated and anxious.
Mr Mackley
25 November 2024
Great vocabulary 4C, discombobulated is a wonderful word! You are right,there is a whole range of emotions which she possibly experienced.
25 November 2024
We explored how Mary must have felt when the angel appeared - lucky, happy, shocked, astonished, privileged to have met an angel, confused, discombobulated, honoured and anxious.