23 Apr

Worship for this week - Friendship

Hello, for me one of the hardest things about not being in school 'as normal' is being able to gather together as a school family for our acts of worship.  So, I thought I would share with you what we would have been thinking about this week.

Normally I would light a candle and say these…

12 Apr

Easter Sunday

A very Happy Easter to everyone, whether you celebrate Easter or not, for Christians the world over it is perhaps the most sacred and special day in our year. A day we remember when the risen Lord conquered death and rose again.

It is a strange Easter day when people cannot get together and…

10 Apr

Good Friday

9 Apr

Holy Week 2020

As we are in Holy Week, albeit a strange one, we have some thoughts for children and or families to look at together.

Have a look at this one, the instructions are straightforward.