19 Nov

Open the Book - The Storm on the Lake

This month's worship from our friends at 'Open the Book' reminds us of the time that Jesus and his friends were out in a boat and a mighty storm came along which frightened the disciples a great deal.  As always, Jesus taught them a very important lesson...


19 Oct

Thankfulness - Counting your blessings

The final worship in our series looking at the Christian value of Thankfulness.

I hope you have enjoyed looking at what the Bible teaches us about being thankful and I hope it has helped you to be more thankful in all things.


15 Oct

Open the Book - Down through the roof!

This month's story from our friends at Open the Book is all about the time some friends took someone to see Jesus, full of hope that he could heal them.


12 Oct

Giving thanks, even when things are difficult.

This weeks worship on the theme of Thankfulness is based on the story of St Paul and his friend Silas.  They were put in prison for telling everyone about Jesus and were treated very badly indeed yet they still remembered to be thankful to God for His goodness.  It is a challenge to us all to try…

7 Oct

Hope in a hard place

Mrs Walton's worship this week is all about how we can remain hopeful even when things are tough and we feel like we are in a 'hard place'.


5 Oct

Harvest Worship October 5th 2020

At this time of year we normally gather together to thank God for the Harvest and for all those who grow and produce our food for us to eat.

This year as well as that we are thinking about how just as plants need good roots to grow healthy, we need to be rooted in God's love to help us grow…

1 Oct

Rev McHaffie's Worship - 1st Oct 2020

This week in his worship, Rev McHaffie, our Vicar, leads us through the story of the Good Samaritan and what we can learn from it.

30 Sep

Hopes and Dreams - aspire to be...

This is Mrs Walton's worship for this week.

We know that so many of you are sadly not in school at the moment, please watch the video and share your comments so that we can at least be together 'virtually'.



27 Sep

Thankfulness - remembering to say thankyou.

Carrying on with our theme of Thankfulness, this week we are making sure that we remember to say thank-you and we are focusing on the food we eat especially at this time of year as we prepare to celebrate Harvest very soon. 

22 Sep

3 wishes or hopes

Mrs Walton's worship for this week, 3 wishes or hopes.

Please leave your comments so we can all share!


21 Sep

Thankfulness - Praising God in all Creation

This week's worship is continuing our focus on Thankfulness and looking at how all creation praises God.


18 Sep

Isn't life strange?

Hasn't 2020 been just a little bit strange?  9 months ago, if you walked in to a shop with a mask on, they would have called security.  Now if you walk in without a mask, they might well call security!

We have all been adapting to these strange times and getting used to a new way of doing…