22 Mar

Justice 5 - Keeping God's Rules

This is the last in the series of worships this half term looking at the value of justice.

I hope you have learnt a lot more about the word and what it means in our daily lives.

Today we learn about the importance of following rules to help us live lives that are just.

17 Mar

Community 4 - Why do we belong together? Wednesday Worship 17th March

This morning we are thinking about why we belong together and how hard it has been when we haven't been able to meet up with our friends and family as we wanted to.  We hear Jesus' words from the Bible when he gave the greatest commandments, one of which is 'Love your neighbour as…

17 Mar

Sayings of Jesus continued. Rev Dan

Rev Dan's worship this week continues to focus on the sayings of Jesus.

15 Mar

Justice - seeing the whole picture.

My worship this week challenges us to not jump to conclusions.  It is very easy to make a snap decision on something without stopping to think of the consequences.

Hopefully after this, we can all learn to reflect on the decisions we make to ensure that we exercise justice in our…

11 Mar

Open the Book - A dreadful day...

Welcome to this month's story from our friends at 'Open the book'.  This month they are sharing with us the events of Easter all those years ago and the hope that Christians believe it gives.

Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

10 Mar

Community 3 - Jesus' friends were a community

In this week's Wednesday Worship we hear about Jesus' followers and disciples.  We watcha clip from the Bible when Jesus called them to be his followers in the New Testament and learn about how they became a community; working, learning, caring, listening, laughing, and helping together. 


1 Mar

Community 2 - Feeling valued and needed

Community 2 - Feeling valued and needed  - Wednesday Worship 3rd March.  We think about how we all need to feel valued and needed and how we all have a part to play in making others feel like they are valued and needed, so that we can help to build a sense of Community here at St Matthew's…

1 Mar

Justice - making wise decisions

Part 2 in our worship series considering the value Justice.

In life we can be faced with really difficult situations and we need to be very careful with how we decide to deal with them. Being clear in our minds that there are always two sides to every story as well making sure we behave in a…

25 Feb

Some sayings of Jesus

Worship from Rev Dan, our new Curate at St Matthew's Church.


He is talking with us about some of the things that Jesus said.

23 Feb

Community - Thinking about where we belong. Wednesday Worship 24th February

This is our first worship looking at the school value of Community. We think about where in the world we belong, where we come from and what it means to be a member of our school community and family at St Matthew's School.


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22 Feb

Justice - treating people fairly

Hello everyone, it's a new half term and so there is a new value for us to consider.

Our focus in my worships this half term is Justice; this is not a word we often hear outside of the courts and legal system but it is a very important concept and one we can learn a lot about.

Today we begin…

10 Feb

Trust - Who can we trust with the truth? Wednesday worship 11th February

In our final week of our theme on our school value of Trust, we think about how important it is to tell the truth, who we trust to tell the truth and whether we can be trusted to always tell the truth.  We learn that Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life..."

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