16 May

Celebrating Serving Others

Online worship again this week!  Please remember and pray for our Year 2 children as they undertake their KS1 SATs this week.

This week we are continuing to look at celebrating different aspects of our Queen's life of service and our focus is on serving others.  Our worship looks at the…

9 May

Celebrating - Faithfulness

As Year 6 are undertaking their SATs this week, our worship is online again.

This week we are continuing our looking at celebrating and we celebrate the value of faithfulness and look at the example of Ruth in the Old Testament and also our Queen to see what we can learn from them…

22 Mar

Rev Dan - 23rd March 2022

In his worship this week, Rev Dan is continuing the Easter story and his focus is on Jesus dying and forgiving.


10 Mar

Rev Alistair - 10th march 2022

This week Rev Alistair is leading us through the events of the arrest of Jesus and how even though he was innocent, he was hated.


Please leave a comment!


7 Mar

Being thankful - every day!

In a world that seems to be increasingly obsessed with 'big' things and grand statements, my worship this week focuses on being thankful for all the little things each day.  We often overlook and take for granted the everyday things that make life so much better.  Even when life can seem tough,…

3 Mar

Jesus knew, but stayed

This week, Rev Dan starts the journey of Jesus to the cross.  He is looking at the arrest of Jesus and that even though he knew what was going to happen, he didn't run away but stayed.


24 Feb

Rev Alistair - Exodus, the Passover and Jesus

This week Rev Alistair is taking us through the Passover where the Jewish people remembered how God rescued them from Egypt.  Worship explores the link between the Passover of Exodus and that of Jesus.

3 Feb

Rev Dan worship - 3rd Feb 2022

Exodus 17:8-16  - Saved because of God not us. 

This week's Big Question – Is the Lord with His people?

After last week they don't deserve it. Will Israel now be enslaved by the Amalekites?!  


Rev Dan continues the journey through Exodus and how God's people behaved or misbehaved and…

27 Jan

The sin of grumbling

This week Rev Alistair continues looking at the Book of Exodus and the journey of the Israelites after they escaped from Pharoah.  Instead of being thankful, they began to grumble and had to take the consequences of that...


20 Jan

Saved through judgement

For this week's worship, Rev Dan is continuing to look at the story of Moses and the Israelites when they were slaves in Egypt.  This week he is looking at when they were allowed to leave and set off for the Promised Land.

Please leave a comment to let us know your thoughts!

2 Dec

Christmas Worship - Rev Alistair

This week Rev Alistair delves into what the word Christmas means and what Christmas means to us. He also shares some great Christmas worship songs and a story from the Bible from that first Christmas, long ago.


Please leave a comment to share your thoughts.

18 Nov

Christmas - Mary & the Angel

This week in his worship, Rev Dan is reminding us of Mary and when she was visited by the Angel Gabriel with an amazing promise from God!  Mary made a commitment to honour God and remains an example of service to us all.