Respect 2 - What does respect look like in school?
In this worship we think about how we can show respect in our school. To the whole school family and to property too.
We look at our 3 school rules: Be safe, Be responsible and Be respectful and how we can practically show respect.
Take time to think about the things you already do which…
Truth and truthfulness 1 - Telling the whole truth
This week we are learning about the importance of always telling the whole truth and not leaving things out or exaggerating them. It is crucial to be completely honest!

Respect 1 - What does it mean to show respect?
In the first of our series thinking about our school value of respect, we think about what this word means. We relate this to our 3 School Rules - one of which is Be Respectful. What does this look like in school? How can we show respect to others in school? And how can we show respect to…
Trinity - Truthfulness
A special worship to start our series looking at the values of Truth and Truthfulness. This one is looking at the concept of the Holy Trinity, something which has puzzled great thinkers for centuries! We take a very straightforward look at understanding the relationship between God the Father,…

The Bible Story 5 - Solomon
Solomon, the son of David was renowned for his wisdom, his ability to make wise decisions. Rev Dan leads us through worship this week thinking about this important figure from the Old Testament.

Pentecost - the birth of the Church
In our worship we remember and celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to Jesus' disciples. We hear the account from the Bible of the day when the disciples got the power from God the Holy Spirit, the tongues of fire, and the ability to speak in other languages, and then went out and told others…

Service 5 - Living for others
Welcome to the last of our worships considering the value of Service.
The calling of Simon and Andrew by Jesus to become 'fishers of men' and their lives of service is our focus this week.
As always, please leave a comment so that we can all share together our thoughts from the…

Thoughtfulness 6 - Our words matter
In this worship we think about how words and clear communication really matter. We hear from the Bible that the tongue ( and our words) can hurt and cause damage to others if we don't choose them carefully and thoughtfully. We are asked to think before we speak so that our words are kind words and…

Service 4 - Looking at your heart
This is the 4th in our series of worships thinking of the value "service".
In this one we find out about when God guided Samuel as he picked a new King for Israel.
Please leave a comment to share your thoughts!

Open the Book - A Happy Day
Our worship this week is led once again by our friends from 'Open the Book'.
This week they are taking us back to the events of Easter to remind us about a very special and Happy Day.

Thoughtfulness 5 - How does it feel when someone is thoughtful to us?
The fifth in our series on being thoughtful asks us to consider how being thoughtful can make others feel. How does it feel when someone is thoughtful to us? What affect does it have on us? We watch one of Aesop's fables,, The lion and the Mouse, and see how being kind to others can make a big…

Service 3 - No strings attached
This week in my worship, we are looking at the example set by Jesus in serving others. The Bible verse is "I cam not to be served but to serve."
Leave a comment to let us all know how the worship has challenged or inspired you.