27 Sep

Belonging - worship for 27th Sept 2021

This week, instead of meeting in the hall, I have prepared worship on screen.

Our school value this half term is community and in the week we look ahead to celebrate Harvest I have a challenge for everyone.  What can we do to actually make a difference to other peoples' lives?  It is good and…

23 Sep

Rev Alistair - God is working

This week, Rev Alistair is continuing to take us through the book of Exodus and the amazing things that happened to God's people at that time.

Please remember to share a class comment below so that we can all share our ideas together!

9 Sep

Rev Dan

Exodus 1 - Is God Dead


Rev Dan introduces us to the Book of Exodus, right near the beginning of the Bible.


As always, please add your comments below!


15 Jul

Open the Book - Goodbye at last

This is the last worship from our friends at Open the Book for this school year.


We have missed seeing them 'in person' in school and really look froward to when we can welcome them back into the building to share with us again!


14 Jul

Respect 6 - no matter who, no matter what, no matter where

In this final Values worship of the year, we focus on the value of respect and that we should all show respect - no matter where, no matter who and no matter what.  We focus on the football and the amazing work of the England Men's team, and the teamwork, dedication and respect they have…

12 Jul

Truth and truthfulness 5 - having the courage to be honet

Hello everyone!


This is the last in our series of worships looking at truth and truthfulness and this week we are considering the quite tricky thing of being honest when it might hurt someone else's feelings.  The important thing is how we share the truth, we share it in a loving way that…

8 Jul

What makes God sad? Rev McHaffie

This week in his worship, Rev McHaffie is guiding us to think about what we do that makes God sad and what he wants us to do about it.

7 Jul

Respect 5 - Show respect to your family and carers

In this worship we learn about God's 10 Commandments which were given to God's people through Moses, and we focus in particular on the commandment which says, 'Honour your father and mother....'  We think about how we can show respect to those who care for us, and the members of our family. 


4 Jul

Truth & truthfulness 4 - searching for the truth

This week in our worship we learn about real treasure!  Too many people go searching for gold and jewels and belongings to consider them as treasure.  Jesus taught us that there is an even better treasure than that!

30 Jun

God's Big Story - Mark's Gospel, chapter 15

This week, Rev Dan is helping us to recap the story so far and leads us through Mark's Gospel and Chapter 15 with the amazing things that Jesus did for everyone.

Leave a comment after you have watched the worship to share with everyone your thoughts!

30 Jun

Respect 4 - We should respect everything and everyone

In this worship about our school value of respect we look to the very beginning of the Bible for our inspiration this morning  We see how God was pleased with the world he had created - it was good.  He asked the first people to look after and respect the world he had made. So - God said we should…

28 Jun

Truth and truthfulness 3 - making the right choices

Welcome to this week's worship thinking more about truth and truthfulness.

This week we are thinking about the dilemmas we face - sometimes we are tempted to make the wrong choice because it allows us to do something we want to do but is that the right thing to do?