2 Sep

Happy New (School) Year!

Welcome back to School everybody!

It is great to have everyone back together again as the St Matthew's School Family.


My first worship of this new school year is an encouragement to do your very best in everything you do and to remind everyone what our focus for good behaviour is this…

15 Jul

Moving on...

In my final Monday worship of this school year, I want us to think about 'Moving on...' and about being famous.  Is it something you want to be?  What can we learn from others who have moved on?

Whatever you do and wherever you go next, you will always be a part of the St Matthew's family and…

8 Jul

Compassion for the poor

In this, our final worship in the series considering our value of compassion, we think about favourite items of clothing and the kindness and compassion of a lady called Dorcas and the miracle which God did through Peter the Disciple to enable her to carry on her work of compassion using…

24 Jun

Compassion for the elderly

In this week's worship we are thinking about the elderly members of our families and communities.  Often they ahve spent much of their lives caring for their children and grandchildren or other members of their community.  We will learn that it is so important that we do what we can to thank them…

17 Jun

Showing Compassion to Others by Sharing What We Have.

This week's worship takes the story of the feeding of the 5000 where Jesus showed compassion on the people who had follwed him all day and were hungry.

In the Bible it says that 5000 men were fed that day, there was no mention of the women and children who were no doubt also there so the total…

10 Jun

God's Compassion for His People

This week's worship begins a sequence looking specifically at the value of 'Compassion', one of our core school values.

We start off by considering God's Compassion for His People; as part of this you might want to find out the definition of the word to help your own understanding of what it…

3 Jun

Summer 2 Behaviour Focus

This week's worship is to introduce the Behaviour Focus for this half term which also links into our school value of Compassion.

Our focus is on being kind and caring to others.

My worship shares what each age group are looking at and also shares some thoughts on the importance and the…

20 May

Pentecost 2024

The final worship for this half term is led by our Worship Group.

Last Sunday, was Pentecost Sunday for the Western Christian Church; an important day where Christians remember God sending His gift of the Holy Spirit as Jesus promised his followers He would.


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13 May

Dealing with stress...

This week's worship is thinking about the stress we can find ourselves under when facing tests like our Y6 children are or when we are facede with something which we can't do.

We will learn that it is okay to make mistakes and that it is important to share our worries with someone we trust and…

29 Apr

After Easter, what next..?

This week in my worship, we are looking at the events after the resurrection and consider what it must have been like for the disciples and other followers as they considered the question "What next?"

Please share your thoughts in the comments below...

22 Apr

Read all about it - St Mark

This week's worship is looking at St Mark whose feast day is this week, on the 25th April.

15 Apr

The importance of following instructions

This half term, our behaviour focus is on following instructions.

This short worship from Mr Mackley, helps us to understand a little about the importance of following instructions and shares with us what each phase in school will be focusing on this half term.

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